Natural Solutions for Mental Health in Northern Colorado

Are you looking for natural support for your mental health?

Chances are you are feeling less than optimally if you are on this page. Are you experiencing depression that is keeping you from the daily activities you love? Perhaps you have PTSD that is preventing you from getting a good night of sleep. Your mental and emotional health are key players in your quality of life. Don’t let these symptoms prevent you from living your life to the fullest. At Redwood Acupuncture and Herbs, I have the relief you are looking for.

One person holding another person's hand with both hands in a supportive way.

A sampling of what I treat:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • PTSD

  • PMDD

  • Addiction

  • Eating Disorders

  • ADHD

  • Bipolar Disorder

What to expect with your treatment

Your first treatment will include a full health history where we will discuss everything about your mental and emotional health in detail, as well as get an overview of the rest of your health. I want to get as complete a picture as possible. This intake can be anywhere from 20 - 40 minutes depending on the complexity of your health history.

After the intake, you will get to relax for the remaining time during the acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture points may be located on your arms, legs, abdomen, back, or head. This will vary each time. If there is any location that you are uncomfortable being needled, that is okay! We can avoid that area. Your session may also include additional modalities, such as ear seeds.

While you are resting, I will write up your treatment plan. Consistency is incredibly important to get the most benefit from your treatments. For this reason, every new patient is booked out for 12 weekly visits. However, we are not looking for a specific number of treatments. The goal is 2 weeks of sustained symptom relief. Once we have achieved that, we can begin to spread treatments out moving towards a maintenance plan.

In addition to the acupuncture treatments, I may suggest an herbal formula or specific supplements for you. Herbal formulas can increase the effectiveness of the treatments so that you can be back to health sooner.

What I expect of you

Traditional Chinese Medicine is magical but I am not a magician. To get the most from your treatments, we need to work as a team. This means that I am going to give you some action items to do at home, but don’t worry, I will only give you as much as you can handle without adding stress.

Some of these items may include:

  • mood tracking

  • dietary changes

  • lifestyle changes

  • mindset work

This is a no shame, no blame clinic. The point of these items is NOT to make you feel bad about yourself. They are simply tools for us to get curious about your symptoms and see if we can find any patterns to help us resolve them.

Have questions? I offer free 15 minute consultations virtually or in person. Schedule one today to discuss how we can work together to get you back to enjoying life!